David the Moover--The Un-Official Sock Puppet Mascot of the 2010 Winter Olympics

CBC Radio held a contest to find the Un-official Sock Puppet Mascot for the Vancouver Winter Olympics. I learned about it on the evening news. We were out driving the next day, so I designed him then. I made him the next day, and mailed him off to the contest the day after that. A few days later, I went to visit my folks. I was very surprised to get an email telling me I had won!. They wanted to give me tickets to the opening of Women's skating...2 days later. I had just started a 2 week trip, so I asked they donate them. They gave the tickets to a women's group who gave them to single moms. SO that was cool. I received a fab prize pack including a set of the Official Olympic Mascots, which is more up my alley anyway.
NAME: David Julian Abhijit Xinshi
MEANING: Beloved, Youthful One who is victorious, Believe
SPECIES: Moover. 1/2 Moose, 1/2 Beaver
EYE COLOUR: One eye is Blue for the Ocean, one is brown for the mountains, the last is green for the lush vegetation.
HOBBIES: Tattoos and piercing (girls love the Mountie tat)
DIET: Sushi, Naan, Maple Syrup, and Beer
JOB(S): Wants to be an extra, but has too "unique" a look. Is a tree planter, until he is discovered.
GOALS: To have a new sport in the next Olympics. It's called Yogockyboarding. It combines three of Vancouver's favourite pastimes into one unforgettable sport.
MEANING: Beloved, Youthful One who is victorious, Believe
SPECIES: Moover. 1/2 Moose, 1/2 Beaver
EYE COLOUR: One eye is Blue for the Ocean, one is brown for the mountains, the last is green for the lush vegetation.
HOBBIES: Tattoos and piercing (girls love the Mountie tat)
DIET: Sushi, Naan, Maple Syrup, and Beer
JOB(S): Wants to be an extra, but has too "unique" a look. Is a tree planter, until he is discovered.
GOALS: To have a new sport in the next Olympics. It's called Yogockyboarding. It combines three of Vancouver's favourite pastimes into one unforgettable sport.